Basic Ped YMT Editing - Part 3

Editing the XML from the YMT

In this video we look at adding a texture variation to the Hair Component. A texture variation in this case involves adding blonde hair to the default black hair. A drawable variation, not displayed in the video, would be for example adding a new hair style (not just the colour) but it's essentially the same process.

The video has two examples. One with the more cryptic terminology name scheme from Meta Toolkit. The other one with the easier to understand name from RPF Explorer. Why use Meta Toolkit you ask? Much faster if you have a complex game folder structure (which is my case).

In the video, hair is in the second component. Since numbering starts at 0, Hair will be 1 when using the Meta Toolkit and it will be 01 when using RPF Explorer.

 Converting XML to YMT

In this short video, with a kickass soundtrack and copyright claim, from Canadian Rock band Trooper, we will see how easy it is to convert our edited XML (from YMT) back to YMT using both tools, Meta Toolkit and RPF Explorer.

Importing Additional Textures

In this last video we will look at importing the additional textures. In the previous videos we already added the extra slot for the hair. In this video we will look at adding the hair texture. It is important to rename the textures so they aren't duplicated.

In this example both the original and the re-textured had the hair imaged named as:

We kept the original as and we renamed the re-textured one:

What if we added a third texture? It would be and what if we added a new drawable instead of just a new texture?

For example a different hair style. It would be This time the number is incremented, from diff_000 to diff_001, rather than the letter a to b. However if you add a drawable or a texture for an existing drawable, it must be designed for your 3D model specifically.

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Part 5.     Part 6.     Part 7.     Part 8 

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