Step 3

Four Step Ultimate Troubleshooting Guide

Step 3. Disable your mods folder

What are we doing? We are going to keep all mods in our mods folder from running.

Why are we doing this? We want to rule out addon mod or mod conflict issues.

The mods folder includes key files such as dlclist.xml, gameconfig.xml, and your Dlcpacks folder with addon peds, vehicles, maps, interiors, etc. It also has vehicle replaces and file customizations, such as editing meta files and xml files. You many not have edited any files, but an OIV installer may have replaced or added or deleted some.


First rename the scripts folder back to its original name. Next rename the Mods folder to XMods so that none of your addons and replaces load.

If your game runs with the mods folder disabled, you have an issue with one or a combination of mods, or other files from this folder. Once more, uninstall them, one by one, or in small groups, and reinstall until you find the problem. If necessary replace customized files with the vanilla game originals.

Ensure you do not have any syntax errors in dlclist.xml and that your gameconfig mod is installed. Also ensure you have updated and installed versions of heap and pack limit adjuster mods - in your root folder. You may also need to check for improperly or problematic replace mods, peds, or vehicles or changes to metadata files.

Finally also ensure it's not faulty ycd animation mods, textures, weapons, or any other mods or changes within this folder. As a safety measure, temporarily remove new dlc from dlclist.xml (your mod version) after a patch as this dlc, particularly if it is just a placeholder for the console versions, might cause conflicts and issues.

Keep in mind that a single mod, texture change, or edit to a meta file can crash your system.

Step 4. Disable your asi and root mods

Four Step Ultimate Troubleshooting Guide
Step 1. Disable all mods and test un-modded
Step 2. Disable your scripts folder
Step 3. Disable your mods folder
Step 4. Disable your asi and root mods