Load and Teleport: Cayo and North Yankton


Instead of installing massive scripts that try to load everything at once, causing instability and possibly crashing your game, learn to do it yourself. You'll have the satisfaction of becoming a Pro and the big advantage is you can teleport at the same time - without consulting a map littered with crap markers.

To show you how easy this is, check out the code at the bottom of this article for Cayo Perico. I say simplified here because you can also load the Island's IPLs independently, choosing what you want to load or not. Don't like a building? Then don't load it.

Another added benefit is we can also tame the waves, for example those seen in the storm above off the coast of Cayo Perico. Also read this article: How to Open an Interior with Teleport


 private void GoTo_CayoPerico(object sender, EventArgs e)

            //void ON_ENTER_MP() // 0x0888C3502DBBEEF5 0xC65586A9 b323

            Function.Call((Hash)0x9A9D1BA639675CF1, "HeistIsland", true);
            //void SET_ISLAND_ENABLED(const char* name, BOOL toggle) // 0x9A9D1BA639675CF1 b2189

            Function.Call((Hash)0xB96B00E976BE977F, 0.0f);

            Function.Call(Hash.SET_ENTITY_COORDS, Game.Player.Character, 5071.5, -5744.4, 15.0, 0, 0, 1);
                                       //Teleport Player to CP
