Duplicate File and Folder Names

A word of caution about ensuring you edit the right file. Did you know for example you might have 4 versions of dlclist.xml? That's right. There are 2 versions in the vanilla game. One is where you would expect it, in the folder update.rpf. But there is also a second one in components.rpf. Add the one from your Mods folder and you are at 3 and if you optionally copied components.rpf to your mods folder, you have the full 4.

So, make sure you edit the right file: root folder\mods\update\update.rpf\ where root folder means the location for GTA5.exe. This location for dlclist.xml takes precedence and priority over the other 3.

Other duplicates include the X64 folder. One is in your root folder, one is in your game Update folder, and another one is in your Mods Update folder. In reality there are many duplicate files and folders, not just the ones duplicated between Games and Mods.

And finally if you are doing replaces to a car for example, the car might exist in more than one folder. For example, if the game was patched, changes could have been made to that car. Generally speaking you would only need to replace the car in the patch file with the highest number but there is the possibility you would need to replace in more than one location.

Now similar issues also apply to mods. For example an addon vehicle might have the same folder name as another vehicle. It could also have the same spawn name. In both cases you will need to rename some files to allow both vehicles to be installed. Check the tutorial section of this forum for more info.