Scripts versus scripts folder, Mods vs mods

I don't install scripts but i occasionally read the descriptions. Similarly, i sometimes watch how to install GTA5 videos just out of curiosity.

Recently i read a script's instructions, by an experienced and very well respected programmer, that adamantly said you needed to create a scripts folder and not a Scripts folder to install his script.

Or was it the other way around?

I don't remember, because fact is his advice is wrong.

By default Windows folders are not case sensitive. If you don't believe me, try to create a folder called Scripts next to a folder called scripts. It can't happen.

Although c# is case sensitive, Windows folders aren't.

I've also seen YouTube videos saying you can't name it Mods, it has to be mods. Or vice versa. Actually either one is fine.

Similarly, if you spawn Lara from your trainer you can also spawn her as lara.

Finally xml is a little different. It is case sensitive, but you can use upper or lower case in tags as long as you don't mix and match.

For example, use Item or item in dlclist.xml, but keep them consistent between opening and closing tags. Don't open with Item and close with item.