C# Script to Fix Flooding on Maps

I've had a few requests regarding the ocean waves overlapping land. This happens in the French Riviera and Route66 maps, but also in some areas of Liberty City and Ugase and others.

This isn't unexpected given most mod maps are located in the Pacific Ocean or other bodies of water in San Andreas.

While I'm sure there is a way to modify some meta files to fix this issue, I prefer to have the flexibility to enable or disable waves - at least to reduce the intensity.

I'm not a programmer but the code I do write is always fully tested - stable and functional - or I wouldn't post it here or use it myself.


 private void DisableWaves(object sender, EventArgs e)
 { Function.Call((Hash)0xB96B00E976BE977F, 0.0f); } // _SET_CURRENT_INTENSITY

  private void EnableWaves(object sender, EventArgs e)
  { Function.Call((Hash)0x5E5E99285AE812DB); } // _RESET_CURRENT_INTENSITY
  //void SET_DEEP_OCEAN_SCALER(float intensity) // 0xB96B00E976BE977F 0x53B694B1 b323
  //void RESET_DEEP_OCEAN_SCALER() // 0x5E5E99285AE812DB 0x4AD23212 b323