Menyoo or Simple Trainer?

For new mod users, one important decision to make is which Trainer to install. These are required to spawn peds, vehicles, and props (assets).

With respect to spawning, you could also do this if you write your own scripts, or you could install dedicated mods for vehicles (Add-On Vehicle Spawner by ikt) or for peds (AddonPeds by Meth0d).

Most importantly Trainers allow you to enhance GTA5 in unimaginable ways. Everything from changing your player or NPC clothes and hairstyles, modifying the colour and characteristics of your vehicles, changing the weather and time, and much more. You also will benefit from a host of new funtionalities such as teleporting to any location - even beyond the boundaries of San Andreas (with an additional mod).

We will leave it up to you to discover all the features and functions of your chosen Trainer and just mention the two most popular, at least historically and based on number of downloads.

These are Menyoo PC and Simple Trainer for GTA. Both are excellent, and of course you can install both if you wish.

My personal favourite is Menyoo, for its intuitive and more user-friendly interface. However it is no longer supported by the creator, Mafin, although updates are still available from the community.

Simple Trainer and other newer contenders, still supported and updated, are slowly gaining ground on Menyoo and all have their pros and cons. Given these trainers are free, you can easily experiment and keep one, two, or several. Keep in mind that loading similar mods, or too many mods in general, may cause stability issues due to potential conflicts. However Menyoo and Simple Trainer play nice and coexist close to perfectly with each other.

A Trainer that is definitely not required but most new users install anyway is the Native Trainer packaged with Script Hook V. Don't install it, it's old and unnecessary.

 One thing I really dislike about Simple Trainer is the old fashioned interface and the use of the NumPad for menu navigation and option selection. No mainstream Windows applications use this type of interface. Thankfully, Simple Trainer is easily customizable and you can reassign key bindings.

For example, to have a more Windows type of navigation and entries, change the following in the file called trainerv.ini:

MenuKeyUp=38        //changed Default Num 8 to Up Arrow
MenuKeyDown=40        //changed, Default Num 2 to Down Arrow
MenuKeyScrollUp=39    //Menu Scroll, Default Num 6 to Right Arrow
MenuKeyScrollDown=37    //Menu Scroll, Default Num 4 to Left Arrow
MenuKeyEnter=13    // changed Enter, Default Num 5 to Enter button