Common GTA5 File Types


The letter Y prefix apparently refers to the PC platform of GTA V rather than the consoles.

YTD: The texture dictionary.

YFT: The fragment object. Fragment is R* terminology for a 3D Model. They also call them Archetypes.

YDD: The drawable dictionary. Open IV exports these as an and odd file and a folder with odr files.

YMT: Besides the metadata for peds, can also be seen in scenarios

YLD: The cloth dictionary.

YDR: a single drawable object (3D model) file, whereas YDD can contain many drawables in one single file (or many YDR files). The YDR file is common in YMAPs and even some vehicles (wheels for example). A YDR may contain a texture dictionary and LODs for the model (up to 4 LODs - level of detail).

YND: These are path nodes, they define a traffic path for vehicles and NPCs. They are binary files, not directly viewable.

YTYP: text file containing a group of MapTypes (Archetypes), each defining where a object will be placed in GTA5 map. Also known as definition entries.

YMAP: file containing the metadata for the placements of Archetypes, each defining an entity in GTA5. This file is useful to view (it's plain text) if you don't know the location of an MLO or YMAP as it will give you the x, y, z coordinates on the map.

YBN: bounds file, more commonly referred to as collisions or static collisions. These are used, as an example, to keep you from falling through the floor of an interior. You can view YBN files with OpenIV.

YMF: These are metadata text files for MLOs (interiors) and YMAPs.

YCD: These are animation files including poses.

YPT:  contain particle effect data and textures, found in dlc and also under effects in core.ypt.

YNV: These contain nav (navigation) meshes for traffic.

YSC:. These are script resource files.

YED:. These are expression dictionary files for peds (including animals).

AWC: These are audio files.

BIK: These are video files, for example during loading.

DLC: Downloadable content.

GFX: Scaleform files. Scaleform provides APIs for direct communication between Adobe Flash content and the game engine. These are accompanied by ytd textures.

GXT2: GTA Text Table

RPF: Rage Package Format/File.

SPS: Shader Presets

MLO or MiLO. Exact acronym definition is unknown but it refers to interiors, especially common with FiveM. Possibly stands for Moveable Interior Loader given they can be moved anywhere (mobile) on the GTA5 map and they load interiors. The O could possibly also stand for Online.

OIV: Is an automatic installer used with Open IV

See Also:  Basic Ped YMT Editing for more thorough documentation.

And also:  Add Drawables and Textures to Peds